
What is Defibs4Yeovil
As a first aid training company we know the importance of defibrillators within the local community. We have setup a campaign to install as many defibrillators within the Yeovil area as we possibly can, as well as raise money for the installation and running costs towards these life saving devices.
How can I get involved
We are looking for volunteers to help us increase awareness and raise funds to support the cause. Whether this is to help us run a stand at a local event, to assist with the running of our fundraising events or to help train people in the use of defibrillators and CPR. Please get in contact using the form and we’ll be in contact soon.
How can I donate?
We have setup a GoFund.Me page that is specifically for our campaign – Donate here
Fundraising events
We have a number of fundraising events where we will be attending to raise vital funds towards our goal of more defibrillators in Yeovil. See below for events we will be attending and sign up to the events!!
Register your details
If you want to be involved in Defibs4Yeovil, please complete your details below and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.